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1. 1996/1 – 2001/2, 香港科技大学, 土木工程, 博士, 导师: 吴宏伟

2. 1991/9 – 1995/8, 香港大学, 土木工程, 硕士, 导师: Neil Kay

3. 1983/10 – 1987/6, 香港理工大学, 土木工程, 大专



1.2018/11- 至今,买球最好的网站土木与环境工程系,教授

2. 2016/4 – 2018/11, 河海大学, 土木与交通学院, 敎授

3. 2012/1 – 2016/3, 河海大学, 土木与交通学院, 研究员

4. 2003/9 – 2011/12, 河海大学, 土木与交通学院, 副教授

5. 2002/9 – 2003/8, 香港科技大学, 土木工程系, 访问学者

6. 2001/5 – 2002/8, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 博士后, 合作导师: Pierre Delage











1.  Environmental Geotechnics 编委

2.  国际土协TC308能源岩土专业委员会委员

3.  英国土木工程师协会(ICE)期刊Géotechnique国际编委



1. 科技部"973"子项目, 2012CB719804, 填埋场渗沥液污染地下环境及防污屏障, 2012 /01 – 2016/12, 500万元, 已结题, 参加。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51178161, 非饱和固化淤泥中重金属的迁移规律及离 心机模拟研究, 2012/01 – 2015/12, 60万元, 已结题, 主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 50878076, 干湿循环作用下非饱和土的强度特性及本 构关系研究, 2009/01 – 2011/12, 35万元, 已结题, 主持。


代表性SCI期刊 :

1. Yan W.M., Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Yuen K.V. (2017). Prediction and modeling of permeability function and its application to the evaluation of breakthrough suction of a two-layer capillary barrier. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(6), 778-788. (SCI影响因子2.138)

2. Shen J., Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉*), Ng C.W.W., Lei G.H., Xu J. (2016). A state-dependent critical state model for methane hydrate-bearing sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 75, 1-11. (SCI影响因子2.358) [*通讯作者]

3. Lei G.H., Zheng Q, Ng C.W.W., Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Xu B (2015). An analytical solution for consolidation with vertical drains under multi-ramp loading, Geotechnique, 65(7), 531-547. (SCI影响因子2.395)

4. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Ng C.W.W. (2014). Relationships between chemical weathering indices and physical and mechanical properties of decomposed granite. Engineering Geology, 179, 76-89.  (SCI影响因子2.569)

5. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Ni X.W., Zhang L.S. (2014). Effect of hydraulic hysteresis on shear strength of unsaturated clay and its prediction using a water retention surface, Engineering Geology, 173, 66-73. (SCI影响因子2.569)

6. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Ng, C.W.W. (2012). Coupled water retention and shrinkage properties of a compacted silt under isotropic and deviatoric stress paths. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(8), 928-938. (SCI影响因子2.138) Editor’s choice

7. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Yan W.M., Yuen K.V. (2012). Estimation of water retention curve of granular soils from particle-size distribution - a Bayesian probabilistic approach. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(9), 1024-1035.  (SCI影响因子2.138)

8. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Yan W.M., Yuen K.V. (2012). Reliability analysis of soil-water characteristics curve and its application to slope stability analysis. Engineering Geology, 135-136, 83-91. (SCI影响因子2.569)

9. Ng, C.W.W., Lai, C.H., Chiu, C.F. (赵仲辉*) (2012). A modified triaxial apparatus for measuring the stress path-dependent water retention curve. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35(3), 490-495. (SCI影响因子0.806) [*通讯作者]

10. Chiu A.C.F. (赵仲辉), Zhao X., Yuan J.P. (2010). State boundary surfaces for an aged compacted clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 136(9), 1251-1262. (SCI影响因子2.464)

11. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Zhu W., Chen X.D. (2009). Rainfall infiltration pattern in an unsaturated silty sand. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14(8), 882-886. (SCI影响因子1.694)

12. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Zhu W., Zhang C.L. (2009). Yielding and shear behaviour of cement-treated dredged materials. Engineering Geology, 103(1-2), 1-12.  (SCI影响因子2.569)

13. Zhu W., Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Zhang C.L., Zeng K.L. (2009). Effect of humic acid on the behaviour of solidified dredged material. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 46(9), 1093-1099.  (SCI影响因子2.138)

14. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Fu X.J. (2008).  Interpreting undrained instability of mixed soils by equivalent intergranular state parameter. Geotechnique, 58(9), 751-755. .  (SCI影响因子2.395)

15. Zhu W., Zhang C.L., Chiu A.C.F. (2007). Soil-water transfer mechanism for solidified dredged sediments. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 133(5), 588-598. (SCI影响因子2.464)

16. Chiu C.F. (赵仲辉), Ng C.W.W. (2003). A state-dependent elasto-plastic model for saturated and unsaturated soils. Geotechnique, 53(9), 809-829. (SCI影响因子2.395)

17. Ng C.W.W., Chiu A.C.F. (赵仲辉) (2003). Laboratory study of loose saturated and unsaturated decomposed granitic soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 129(6), 550-559. (SCI影响因子2.464)

18. Ng C.W.W., Chiu A.C.F. (赵仲辉) (2001). Behavior of a loosely compacted unsaturated volcanic soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 127(12), 1027-1036. (SCI影响因子2.464)






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